Shim Hyung Tak is showing his loving side as he supports his wife Saya, who is suffering from severe morning sickness. On the July 24th episode of Channel A's "Men's Life These Days: Groom Class," the couple celebrates their first wedding anniversary along with the exciting news of their upcoming baby, dedicating a day to prenatal care.
Upon hearing the wonderful news about their baby from his wife, Shim Hyung Tak shares the joyous update with his in-laws in Japan. Delighted by the ultrasound photo of their baby, he exclaims, "This is so amazing." He then gently asks Saya, "What gender do you hope our baby will be?" Saya immediately responds, "A boy," and calmly explains her reasons, leaving Shim Hyung Tak touched and emotional.

Saya mentions, "I want to eat rice cakes," prompting Shim Hyung Tak to hurriedly go out and get some. He returns with rice cakes and drinks for Saya and eats kimbap by himself from a distance. Despite Saya's comment that the smell of kimchi worsens her morning sickness, Shim Hyung Tak sneakily opens the refrigerator and quickly pops some kimchi into his mouth, causing frustration.
Feeling guilty, Shim Hyung Tak decides to make triangular kimbap with umeboshi for Saya, who said she wanted kimbap. However, Saya falls asleep while waiting. Despite the chaos, Shim Hyung Tak continues making the kimbap and wakes Saya up. Thankfully, Saya enjoys it and then asks for strawberries for dessert. Shim Hyung Tak rushes to the market again, only to find out there are no strawberries, leaving him at a loss.
When Shim Hyung Tak returns, Saya surprises him with a special event, making him cry tears of joy. Watching this, "Groom Class" member Kim Dong-wan gets deeply emotional and teary-eyed. To find out what surprise event Saya prepared, tune in to Channel A's "Groom Class" on July 24th at 9:30 PM.