Actor Kim Seon- ho's ex-girlfriend, Ms. A, complained of mental pain.
On October 20, Choi Seon, a law firm representing Ms. A, said, "The identity of Ms. A is being released indiscriminately, and criticism based on false facts related to Ms. A's identity, and even threats to he personal life."
While Ms. A is complaining of extreme mental pain, her side announced, "We will do our best to protect Ms. A, and we will take all possible legal measures against reports, posts, comments, etc. of malicious content related to Ms. A." .
Ms. A posted an article complaining of the psychological pain caused by Kim Seon-ho's request for an abortion. On this day, Kim Seon-ho said, "I wanted to apologize," saying, "I hurt her with my negligence and thoughtless actions."
The following is the full text of Ms. A's official statement
Hello. We are the lawyers Jung Da Eun and Lee Dong Hoon, who represent Kim Seon Ho’s ex-girlfriend.
Currently, on a portion of news sites, social media and online communities, the ex-girlfriend’s personal identity and information have been publicized without permission. Various falsehoods and mockery have also been uploaded. What’s more so is that threats to her personal safety have also not ceased.
Insofar, she is currently experiencing mental duress, to the point where it is difficult for her to go about her daily life normally. As she is an ordinary citizen, we request for the slander and guesswork to stop so as not to give her further harm. Please refrain from interview requests as well.
We will do our best for her safety as her legal team and any malicious content or articles, posts, comments and more will be dealt with in any way that we can legally.
Thank you.
- Ex-girlfriend’s legal team